Circuit Subscription Box Lessons

Circuit Subscription Boxes are a collaboration between Los Alamos STEAM Lab and Los Alamos Owned Kirschbaum Strasse and can be purchased in our shop.


This is a collection of information about all of the parts that came or may come with your subscription pack. It is a living document and will be updated with more parts and videos as needed.

Starter Pack

A set of experiments to do with the starter pack. This is mostly a basic how to for using a breadboard and how resistors function. It also includes an intro to a 555 timer and the flashing lights and sounds that will provide. Finally it shows how to wire up the puppets and gives ideas for connecting them to the breadboard.

Button Box

A collection of tutorials for the 4 buttons in our button box. We’ll use a photo-resistor and voltage divider to make one glow in the dark. Two will light up with a fabric switch and another will beep at you!

Rocket Box

Light up and assemble this amazing wooden rocket. Connect it to your 555 timer and speaker or micro:bit for a full light and sound show!

Moonscape Box

This fun kit will see you interacting with an alien moonscape.