Site icon Los Alamos STEAM Lab


We believe STEAM should be accessible to everyone. If you ever have an interest in one of our classes or programs for you or your child, but find that it is not in your budget, please reach out to us. We won’t ask about your finances or sneak peeks at your phone to wonder how you could afford it.

We generally have a bit of scholarship money on hand from various fundraisers, and even if we don’t we’ll find room for you and make you feel welcome. The great thing about owning a business is not having to ask permission to give stuff away. (It’s actually one of the reasons we’re reluctant to go non-profit).

If you’re here because you want to donate to our scholarship fund, then brilliant! We often use this money for referrals from JJAB, but sometimes other folks wander in, too. We’re not good at turning folks away.

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