Godot Lesson 6: Enemy Health¶
This lesson creates an enemy death scene and tracks entity health.
An entity class with one enemy (Lessons 1, 2, 3)
An item that does damage (Lesson 5)
Stalfos Hurt Sprite: https://sprites.retro-dragon.com/index.php/2018/08/28/stalfaux-hurt/
Player Hurt Sprite: https://sprites.retro-dragon.com/index.php/2018/08/27/zlg-player-hurt/
Enemy Death Sprite: https://sprites.retro-dragon.com/index.php/2018/08/29/zlg-enemy-death/
Repository: https://github.com/los-alamos-steam-lab/godot-tutorial/tree/6-enemy-health
Enemy Death Code¶
extends Node2D
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# connect the animation finishing to the function "destroy" send it the animation
$anim.connect("animation_finished", self, "destroy")
func destroy(animation):
Entity Code¶
class_name entity
extends KinematicBody2D
var dir = directions.new()
var SPEED = 0
var TYPE = "ENEMY"
var DAMAGE = null
var movedir = Vector2.ZERO
var knockdir = Vector2.ZERO
var spritedir = "down"
var hitstun = 0
var health = MAXHEALTH
var texture_default = null
var texture_hurt = null
func _ready():
texture_default = $Sprite.texture
# make the hurt texture the same name and path as the default texture
# but replace .png with _hurt.png
texture_hurt = load($Sprite.texture.get_path().replace(".png", "_hurt.png"))
func movement_loop():
var motion
# if you aren't in hitstun then move normally
# otherwise get knocked back
if hitstun == 0:
motion = movedir.normalized() * SPEED
motion = knockdir.normalized() * 125
move_and_slide(motion, Vector2.ZERO)
func spritedir_loop():
match movedir:
spritedir = "left"
spritedir = "right"
spritedir = "up"
spritedir = "down"
# This changes our player animation. "animation" is a string
# of the sort "idle", "push", or "walk"
func anim_switch(animation):
var newanim = str(animation, spritedir)
if $anim.current_animation != newanim:
func damage_loop():
# If you're in hitstun countdown the timer
if hitstun > 0:
hitstun -= 1
$Sprite.texture = texture_hurt
$Sprite.texture = texture_default
# if the enemy should be dead
if TYPE == "ENEMY" && health <= 0:
# create the death animation, put it where the enemy was and destroy the enemy
var death_animation = preload("res://enemies/enemy_death.tscn").instance()
death_animation.global_transform.origin = global_transform.origin
# for any area that is overlapping the entity's hitbox
for area in $hitbox.get_overlapping_areas():
# Body is the area's parent - a weapon or an entity
var body = area.get_parent()
# if the entity isn't already hit, and the body gives damage,
# and the body is a different type that the entity
if hitstun == 0 and body.get("DAMAGE") != null and body.get("TYPE") != TYPE:
# decrease health by the body's damage
health -= body.get("DAMAGE")
# Set the hitstun timer
hitstun = 10
# set knockdir to the opposite of the entity approached
# the body from
knockdir = global_transform.origin - body.global_transform.origin
# Accepts an actual item scene not the name of the scene
func use_item(item):
# create an instance of the item
var newitem = item.instance()
# add it to the group with item name and the id of its parent
newitem.add_to_group(str(newitem.get_name(), self))
# make it a child of the entity
# if there are already too many items of that type on the screen, delete it
if get_tree().get_nodes_in_group(str(newitem.get_name(), self)).size() > newitem.maxamount: