Godot Template: Teleporting¶
The teleport scene allows the player to transition from one map area to another, or to jump around within a single map area. The code by itself can be reused for doorways into and out of houses and other similar transistions.
Scene Tree¶
- teleport is type Area2D
Sprite is type Sprite
CollisionShape2D is type CollisionShape2D
Because of these exports, teleports cannot be placed using the object placer, but must be placed directly into the map area.
- dest_scene
FILE: The scene that the player will teleport to.
- dest_position
Vector2: The new player position.
- dest_spritedir
STRING Enum: The direction the player should face.
How it Works¶
When the player enters the teleport tile, it triggers Main.teleport() which:
Pauses the tree
Saves the current area and deletes it.
Loads the new area and sets the player position and direction
Unpauses the tree
Main.teleport() can be used by other scripts (such as a door) as well.
extends Area2D
export(String, FILE) var dest_scene
export(Vector2) var dest_position
export(String, "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right") var dest_spritedir = "Down"
var main_scene := "/root/Main"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
connect("body_entered", self, "body_entered")
func body_entered(body):
if body.name == "Player":
# Pickup the key and then delete it.
get_node(main_scene).call("teleport", dest_scene, dest_position, dest_spritedir)
func teleport(new_scene_path, new_position, new_spritedir):
get_tree().paused = true
if current_area:
yield(current_area, "tree_exited")
var new_area = instance_area(new_scene_path)
player.position = new_position
player.state = "default"
current_area = new_area
player.spritedir = new_spritedir
get_tree().paused = false